Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Wednesday, y'all. It's difficult to believe that this is the last week in March! I've taken a bit of a hiatus since my last post, but have a few articles I wanted to link to real quick. Today I have a blog post featured on Know Your Value, the official blog of Wonderfully Made, which is a Christian organization that is "dedicated to helping today's modern young women discover, strengthen, and reclaim their true value and worth." I just love that. The post is entitled Discerning True Beauty, and you can check it out here.  

Also, is doing a series on perceptions of beauty, and the articles have been pretty thought provoking. You can check them out below.

Facebook: The Encyclopedia of Beauty

Fat is the New Ugly on the Playground

Beholding Beauty: How It's Been Studied

Dieting Companies Targeting Men

One last link for today! I mentioned last month that Ellen Morrison and I had a chance to visit a local radio station during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and I wanted to link to the podcast if you are interested in our conversation on body image! I was a little nervous, so ignore the awkward laughter that pops up. :-) You can listen here.

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

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