On a completely unrelated note, I wanted to propose a challenge to any of you reading this who are currently active on facebook or other social networking sites. One thing I have been noticing, especially since the beginning of the New Year, is that there have been a lot of statuses/updates involving fat talk, calorie counts, reports on workouts and how many calories you burned yesterday or want to burn tomorrow, dieting reports, what you shouldn't have eaten or what you wish you could eat, etc. Please know that I am not judging and my heart about this is not one of judgment. Really! But I started thinking that maybe by decreasing some of this, we can help ourselves and each other focus on things that are more productive and that deserve our time and attention more than these things do. It is good to be healthy!!, but our health is more of a personal thing that does not necessarily need to be shared with all of our facebook friends. And some of our thoughts about food, exercise, etc, may not be healthy; our choices about food and exercise are personal ones, and by sharing calories, diet reports, etc, you may be triggering other people to think unhealthily about themselves.
One of my all time favorite quotes is something that Cynthia Bulik said in reference to the time we give to thinking about food, weight, dieting, calories, etc. She said, "Imagine what women could accomplish if they spent that time and energy on things other than body issues." When put like that, it is so encouraging to think about all of the things that we can do instead and the difference that we can make not just in our own lives but in the lives of others!! So if there is one thing you can do today, just think twice before you post a status on facebook or before you tweet about your bad body image, or how tight your jeans are, or how many calories you burned at the gym, or how you ate too much tonight, etc. I would imagine that if we all try this, we might be surprised at the positive effect it could have on how we feel about ourselves and others!
No idea where our conversation went...I thought it was good stuff :(
ReplyDeletei know, i want to continue the conversation!! i was copying and pasting the conversation and deleted it! but i still have it! :) have some more thoughts and may post some in a blog.. ill email you when i get a min!