I thought it might be fun/informative to share some random body image facts, and I came across a site that listed a bunch. I am pulling all of these from Northwestern Health Sciences University's website under a section called U Healthy, so I can't take credit for putting this list together- but it is worth repeating, as these facts demonstrate the role that size, weight, and body image have upon individuals in our society.
Did You Know...
- There are 3 billion women who don’t look like super-models and only 18 who do.
- Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14.
- 7% of 12th grade males have used steroids in order to become more muscular.
- If Barbie was a real woman, she’d have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
- Male action figures (GI Joe, etc.) have greatly increased in muscular size since 1973; If GI Joe were human, he would have larger biceps than any bodybuilder in history.
- One out of 4 college aged women has an eating disorder.
- In one U.S. National survey, women feared being fat more than dying.
- A survey of formally overweight people revealed they would rather be blind or lose a limb than be overweight again.
- Americans spend more than 40 billion dollars a year on dieting and diet-related products. That’s roughly equivalent to the amount the U.S. Federal Government spends on education each year.
- 46% of 9-11 year olds are sometimes or very often on diets.
- 50% of 10th grade and 12th grade boys want a more muscular upper body.
- Underweight males have body images just as negative as overweight women’s body images.
- 42% of 1st-3rd graders want to be thinner.
- Most fashion models are thinner than 98% of women.
- 25% of American men and 45% of American women are on a diet on any given day.
These statistics are a bit overwhelming! Today I was having a conversation with some women that attend a class that I teach and we were discussing the impact that we can have on others simply based on the ways that we view and accept ourselves. One of the women mentioned that she observed a 3 year old complaining about her stomach being fat after witnessing her mother talking negatively about her own stomach. If we are able to accept ourselves and model this to those around us, we can have such a positive impact on others! In going with this theme, I saw a video on You Tube that I thought I'd share. It was produced by NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association) and may inspire you to help others, especially young girls that you know, to see their unique beauty and to embrace beauty in all sizes, shapes and forms. Enjoy!
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